
Certified Nutrition Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP), Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner, Artist, Chef

  • I enjoy helping clients find balance in their lives and watching them thrive after they have completed their work with me.
  • I believe in the body’s natural ability to regain balance. I find it essential to focus on the whole being: body, mind, and spirit.
  • I have extensive experience with techniques across many modalities which support learning, mental focus, emotional balance and stress relief as well as tools to support a healthy body and mind.
  • I enjoy helping clients connect with their inner guidance system, or intuition. When we learn to listen, trust, and follow our inner guidance, everything in our lives becomes easier.
  • I am a graduate of Donna Eden’s Four Year Energy Medicine Certification Program, with an Advanced Practitioner Certification (EEM-AP).
  • I am a Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher and a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals, IARP.
  • I am a Certified Nutrition Coach and graduate of the Food Matters Institute Nutrition Certification Program.
  • I have a cottage bakery, Nourish Bakehouse and make wholegrain sourdough breads from Einkorn which is Nature’s original wheat.
  • I am a chef and specialize in creating healthy, delicious and nutritious – both Omnivorous and Plant Based Meals. I use locally sourced organic produce and sustainable/regenerative local meats.
  • I work with SWAMI GenoType 3 Personalized Nutrition. I have extensive experience with Personalized Nutrition, both personally, and professionally with clients. I enjoy helping clients embrace their unique health profile, and create a dynamic, personalized guide that is beneficial to their individual, biochemical design.
  • I am trained in Bach Flower Remedies and appreciate the simplicity of the system.
  • I am an artist and work exclusively with porcelain. I studied Ceramics at the University of Montana. I am a member of International Ceramic Artists Network and Southern Arizona Arts Guild. Find my work at the Southern Arizona Arts Guild (SAAG) Gallery. For more information visit my website AmyJ Originals and follow me on Instagram @amyjoriginals.

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