Usui Mikao originally referred to his system as Usui Reiki Ryoho which meansĀ “true self healing”. Traditional techniques were used to enhance energy flow through meridians. These techniques also clear the body emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually raising our vibration and creating a sense of oneness with all.
Usui Reiki System Level I – Shoden
In Level 1 you will learn:
- the history and fundamentals of Reiki
- how to feel and work with subtle energy
- the Five Precepts of Usui Reiki
- Usui Reiki hand positions
- the benefits of self-care
- how to offer Usui Reiki to others
- Usui Reiki for animals
- Usui Reiki for gardens and plants
- Usui Reiki for food and water
- Usui Reiki Level 1 Reiju – Attunements
Pre-requisite: none
Cost: $225
Usui Reiki Level II – Okuden
In Level II, you will become a Certified Practitioner and expand your Reiki understanding to include:
- The meanings and usage of Reiki mantras and symbols
- a deeper understanding that all are one
- Usui Reiki and intuition
- thought guided Reiki
- hands free Reiki
- distance healing
- beaming Reiki
- how to develop a Reiki practice
- Usui Reiki Level 2 Reiju – Attunements
Pre-requisite: Usui Reiki Level I – Shoden and a minimum of 6 months self-practice.
Cost $325
Usui Reiki Level III – Shinpiden
In Level III you will become a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and broaden your understanding of energy and balance while learning:
- the Usui Reiki Master Symbol and Mantra
- tools to expand your practice
- how to be an inspiring teacher
- discovering your unique teaching style
- teaching Reiki Level 1 – Shoden
- teaching Reiki Level 2 – Okuden
- teaching Reiki Level 3 – Shinpiden
- how to attune students
- Usui Reiki Level 3 Reiju – Attunements
Pre-requisite: Usui Reiki Level II – Okuden and a minimum of one year of practice on clients.
Cost $725